
McNulty-Re Group
1735 Market Street, Suite  3750
Philadelphia, PA 19103                           U.S.A.

Copyright © McNulty-Re Group - Reinsurance. All Rights Reserved 

The Run-Off / Finality Division of McNulty-Re Group performs all inwards and outwards negotiations for our clients on a no-win no-fee basis.

- If we are not successful at bringing closure to the contractual relationship, there is no cost to our clients.

- We have decades of experience at bringing finality to individual/regionalized books of business and for entire companies - ALL on a no-win no-fee basis!


The Run-off / Finality Division of McNulty-Re Group has a Global team with decades of experience. Our staff members are localized / based in regions where you have contractual relationships. They know the local laws, and more importantly, our staff members have the relationships with local businesses and Governmental divisions, which enhances their ability to negotiate settlements without creating an adversarial environment.

The Run-off / Finality Division of McNulty-Re Group has decades of experience in bringing prompt and efficient closure to portfolios of business that no longer fit within your objectives / business model.